Why I Stopped Going to Public Restrooms

Hi, my name is Jonathan and I work as a photographer for a
newspaper company. My friend and I were in our lunch break, and we went to a
restaurant that’s across the street to satisfy our hunger. It’s a fast food
restaurant, sort of. You tell the employee what meal you want and what kind of
meat, vegetables, and sauce you want with it.
I told the employee
what I wanted and my friend did too. We paid for the food and searched for a
table to sit. We did and we began chewing our food.
My friend started the conversation and I was listening. We
chat and chat.
…until eventually, I had to go to the restroom. I must have drank
like 15 Dr. Peppers.
I felt like my bladder was about to burst, so I had to
hurry. I got up, told my friend that I’ll be back, and rushed to the restroom.
I tried to hurry, but the faster I went, the closer I was on
wetting my pants.
I pushed the door open with my hands and … I saw the most
horrific thing ever.
Shit! Shit everywhere! Shit on the toilet, shit on the
walls, shit on the floor, and shit on the sink. The shit looked smudged and it
appeared in many different colors. Brown. Red. Green. Black?
Oh, the horror. It was horrible. The smell was horrible as
well.  I was covering my nose with my
shirt, and I continued staring at the ugly. You’re probably asking yourself.
Why did you continue starring if it was disgusting to look at? I don’t know
I feel bad for the people who had to clean all that nasty shit
up. I hope they wear a gas mask.
I felt that my stomach began mixing my food up and it was
about to erupt out of my mouth.
I covered my mouth and looked all over the restroom for a
garbage can. Nothing! What the hell kind of restroom doesn’t have a trash can.
So, I went back to the restaurant, running everywhere with
my mouth covered and cheeks fully blown. I was trying my hardest to not let out
the vomit or I’ll give the janitors extra work. No fucking trash can! This is
some chicken shit!
I quickly rushed out the restaurant. Looking all of my
surroundings for a trash can! Nothing! Where’s a fucking trash can when you
need one! I crossed the street and back to the building where I work.  I found a trash can next to a few seats.
Quickly rushed over there and let everything out that I had for lunch! My mouth
felt soggy and I could almost taste my own vomit! I know… eww. My friend was
behind me, asking if everything was alright! I nodded my head and left the
building, because I still needed to go to the restroom… oh wait, I wet my pants
while I was looking for a trash can. I remember. Everyone was laughing at me.
So anyway, I don’t trust public restrooms anymore! You never know what horrors lay within them.